Secret IDE For Web (beta)

Today Digiline releases the Secret IDE for the web! Secret IDE for web allows you to quickly write and deploy secret smart contracts directly from your web browser 🎉

Why use the Secret IDE?

  • Effortlessly share preferred developer environment settings with other developers.
  • Improve your team’s onboarding process.
  • Find the most common and helpful secret smart contracts built by the community.
  • One-click deploy to testnet and mainnet (localsecret coming soon).

Secret IDE for web allows you to do this all from a web browser with a couple of additional benefits:

The web editor version is configured with our recommended editor configurations to accelerate your onboarding experience further. Those configurations are:

  • Better looking theme than JetBrains default
  • Automatic Rust formatting on save
  • Automatic word wrapping
  • Rainbow brackets / Highlighted bracket pairs

Safely and Securely pull development consultants into your codebase, knowing that your machine or other projects are entirely inaccessible. You only ever share precisely what you intend to share.

Developer onboarding into web3 is a pain. Testing a smart contract is not the same as testing a conventional program in javascript or C++. An array of nodes must execute a smart contract and find consensus, sometimes resulting in an inability to use the same libraries and performance optimizations as conventional programs. There’s no simple back-and-forth client/server model. Developers must write programs that all live in a data lake with other developers' programs. They must understand that any data executed upon on-chain is visible to anyone (unless they’re deploying to chains that can compute on data privately), making iteration slower and mistakes more costly.

Web3 gives new precedence to developer responsibility and expectations.

The Secret IDE is the first step in giving developers the support they need to focus on the business value of smart contracts and ensure their workflows stay unblocked. One simple but helpful feature is our team’s recommended editor configurations. Are you curious about how a top engineer configures their workspace? Use the Secret IDE web editor, and you’ll be up and running with the same settings as an elite.

The importance of keeping development workflows unblocked and environment settings portable is not a new idea. Problems like this are what birthed the now ubiquitous adoption of containerization. Most software development organizations have built internal infrastructure and processes to mitigate or solve these problems. However, maintaining this infrastructure with the demands of evolving software is like an arms race, irrespective of supporting new web3 needs. Application developers should focus on business value, not solving their IT problems.

The Secret IDE is just the beginning of Digiline’s suite of products and tools to make it feel like you have a dedicated IT team with you 24/7.

Try the secret IDE for web now